Saturday 24 September 2011

My Bed

Wow, it's been a long, long time since I've been here. Almost ashamed to start it up again. But I'll give it another try. You know the saying: If at first you don't succeed, try and try again. So this is try #2 :)
Just got back from a walk outside and wow, what a change in the weather. Too early for the white stuff (thank goodness) but leaves on trees are starting to change and the days and evenings are cooler. Great weather for sleeping.
Sleeping....every night I have a bed to go to. Every night I don't have to worry about being safe from the elements and strangers.
I am very lucky for what I have,my bed, which gives me comfort. My pillow that lies on my bed which sometimes I can cry tears into and no one will ever know I've been crying. My bed, my pillow, it may sound crazy but this is one thing I am thankful for. I am lucky for what I have and i thank God for it all I do have every day.