Thursday 21 October 2010

This is a bit of a different kind of gratefulness that I'm writing today.
Today I was able to help a friend with a situation that she needed confirmation on. Denise needed something confirmed from work and Kenny called to ask if I could help her. I am grateful that they took me seriously when I told them if there is anything I could do to help them through this difficult time of J's passing just to let me know. Today I am grateful for the fact that they called me to ask for help and grateful that I could help them.


  1. You have been so helpful to so many of us lately....especially in Denise and Kenny's situation, you have been a Godsend....and making dinner for Bob's niece's family, and helping me out by picking up our mail....thank goodness for people like you! You are the best! :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had some spelling errors in the previous comment, so I deleted it :)
    Anyway, I just wanted to say you are so sweet, thank you for that nice comment. Just long as I'm here I'm glad to help.
    Have a fun weekend with the kids!
    Love, jan
